Challenges in practice 

Whether it's a new part, a process change at the supplier or a new tool: in many cases, initial supplier sampling is required. The creation of the initial sample test reports required by the various standards often begins with the initial sampling by your supplier. In order to mirror planned internal cross-checks with the supplier results and also for the prescribed audit-proof documentation of the entire initial sample inspection report process and creation of the initial sample test reports required by the various standards, the initial sample inspection report results of your suppliers must be documented directly in your QA system by the supplier. This is of course done online, without complex cloud access and replication mechanisms.


Solution QS1

Via the ‘external’ part of the initial sampling, you provide the supplier with all inspection specifications with all necessary documents, such as the associated CAD data. In addition to recording the measured values of the specified inspection characteristics, the supplier also records the required documents/attachments for the sampling process. With workflow-controlled document control, you ensure the revision and release status of these required initial sample inspection report attachments. You communicate any deviations identified based on the cross-checks you have carried out directly via the integrated QS1 measures management in the supplier portal. By providing an ‘internal’ as well as an ‘external’ view of the joint initial sampling processes, all information and processing statuses can be viewed by all parties involved at any time. In conjunction with your ERP data available online in the QS1 portal, such as supplier orders and goods receipts, your business partners also have access to the basic ERP data for initial sampling.

  • Integration of the entire initial sample process at the supplier into your internal initial sampling process
  • Direct recording of initial sample inspection report test data and any required documents / attachments
  • Statistical evaluation and creation of key figures as part of the supplier's feedback of the initial sample inspection report test data
  • All tasks such as further sampling, document status and versions or the processing status of existing documents are communicated and processed with your suppliers via action management
  • Platform-independent web application
  • No additional installation required


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