Challenges in practice 

Qualified employees are a key prerequisite for achieving your company's goals!

Increasingly complex products combined with a high number of variants on the one hand and strict standardisation requirements (ISO 9001, ISO 13485, etc.) on the other require systematic planning, implementation and monitoring of the entire qualification process for employees. The resulting flood of data requires an integrated software solution that can map all aspects of modern learning and knowledge management in a professional and integrated manner.


Find out more


In general 

The QS1 Qualification Management module provides convenient tools and freely parameterisable processes for the professional mapping of your learning and knowledge management requirements.

This includes centralised master data management for defining the required qualifications (skills and competencies) as well as the associated qualification steps, validity periods, training documents, e-learning processes and checklists for knowledge verification.

The qualifications required for individual users are defined in the user master data using a role system and/or qualification rules. The qualifications required in the production processes are stored at the level of the work process catalogue (based on the QS1-ERP integration).

The control and monitoring of all qualification acquisition steps is carried out using freely parameterisable cockpits (‘Quali-Matrix’ principle). These allow quick and easy operation by the technical and disciplinary superiors. The employee to be qualified can be integrated into the digital process via the intranet or mobile devices. This can include simple processes such as messages or document management, but can also include a multi-stage e-learning process.

QS1 also takes over the ongoing monitoring of all qualification-relevant production processes as part of the QS1-ERP integration. This can be done either in real time (integrated PDA web service) or in the form of background monitoring (with configurable escalation process). 

Training Management | E-Learning

A range of alternative strategies (which can also be combined) are available for the implementation of qualification steps. These range from simple information provision (via e-mail or intranet - optionally with read confirmation), to freely configurable document control processes, through to the mapping of complex training processes and, of course, extensive elearning functionalities.

QS1 training processes allow a wide variety of training types to be mapped (face-to-face, remote, external, elearning, etc.). It also includes extensive options for workflow control for participants, supervisors and trainers. All processes are included, from training registration (by participants or supervisors), approval or appointment confirmation, confirmation of participation (optionally with electronic signature) through to the provision of training certificates. All training documents can be made available ‘by virtue of master data’ and can of course also be individually supplemented.

The individual employee is integrated into the training process either via intranet or mobile (tablet). In the case of e-learning, this also allows the qualification steps to be completed independently of time and location. A multi-level and freely configurable knowledge test based on multiple choice is also supported. For this purpose, predefined question catalogues are defined in conjunction with examination regulations (permitted time, number of repetitions, random questions, etc.).

Each training process can also be evaluated by the individual participants using a freely configurable checklist - the resulting data forms an ideal basis for the continuous improvement of your qualification strategies.

All recorded data is subsequently available in the QS1 Quality Analyser in the form of key figures and charts for ongoing monitoring and control at management level with regard to the cost and benefit of the measures taken. 

  • Mapping of the ISO 9001:2015 standard
  • Digital management of requirements and qualifications
  • Management of training plans and documentation
  • Role-based
  • Planning and implementation of training courses
  • Integration of employees via intranet portal 
  • Extensive elearning functionalities
  • Knowledge review
  • Document control and electronic signature
  • Training evaluation
  • Training costs
  • Ongoing monitoring of target/actual qualifications
  • Monitoring of production (integration of ERP-BDE processes)
  • Audit trail
  • Potential analysis
  • Predefined KPIs
  • Customised configuration


Contact us

How can we help you? - We are happy to answer your questions. Simply get in touch with us, we will be happy to help and get back to you as soon as possible.

Your Advantages

  • Training, qualification & E-Learning management
  • Highly efficient, thanks to connection to the existing QS1 modules
  • Qualification certificates and documents; document control
  • Workflow management
  • Conformity with support for the required processes and evidence, performance reviews
  • Transparent and comprehensible presentation of all qualifications
  • Potential analyses
  • Qualification definitions at the level of your ERP work processes
  • Online verification of the required qualifications as part of your PDC postings
