
Leicher Engineering GmbH

Products: specific purchased parts made of metal and plastic
Industry: metal and plastic 

DE-85551 Kirchheim bei München 

Leicher Engineering GmbH - International industrial company with outstanding expertise in supply chains

Leicher Engineering is a renowned company with over 150 years of experience. The company has established itself as a reliable partner for the development, design and global delivery of complex components and assemblies. With a clear focus on innovation and precision, Leicher Engineering supports its customers from the initial idea through to series production and assembly. Leicher Engineering is characterized by its high level of expertise in CAD-based design and its ability to integrate advanced quality management processes. The company works closely with a wide range of manufacturers to ensure that the solutions developed meet the highest standards, are delivered on time and in the right quality according to specification. Complex components and assemblies are tested in the in-house test laboratory using the latest 3D testing technology. The processes are supported by an integrated management system consisting of VDA 6.2, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001.

Central management system for quality processes

Leicher Engineering was faced with the challenge of making its complex communication and quality management processes more efficient. The decisive added value for Leicher Engineering lies in the comprehensive digitalization and centralization of its processes, which is made possible by the new extended supplier portal and the deep integration into the APplus ERP system. In the past, Leicher Engineering was forced to manage important quality management processes manually.

With the new system, these processes can now be mapped centrally and automatically in a single, integrated system. From initial sample inspection to complaint processing, everything is now digitally recorded and easily accessible, which significantly increases the efficiency and accuracy of the processes. The connection of the measuring and inspection systems to QS1 ensures the immediate availability of reproducible results, always assigned to the correct business process.


This creates a new dimension for an integrated and actually controllable CIP process. The automation of CAD stamping is particularly valuable. Instead of time-consuming manual stamping, this process can now be completed with just a few clicks, which saves an immense amount of time and minimizes the error rate. The automatic transfer of stamped characteristics to the inspection reports also makes a valuable contribution to increasing efficiency. Overall, the new system allows Leicher Engineering to focus more on its core competencies, as administrative and repetitive tasks have been significantly reduced. Integrated processes with valid and available data, supported by workflows, form the basis for team-oriented collaboration.

Looking to the future - implementation of the supplier portal

As an international industrial company, Leicher Engineering assumes complete responsibility for the inquiry and series delivery process. Communication with manufacturers plays a key role in this. Up to now, communication with manufacturers has taken place via various channels ranging from teams to emails, meeting notes and chats. To meet these challenges, Leicher Engineering decided to introduce an extended supplier portal. This portal makes it possible to handle all technical and commercial communication with manufacturers efficiently and transparently via a central platform. Thanks to the seamless integration into APplus and the relevant processes, Leicher Engineering can manage the entire supply chain more efficiently.

Employees benefit from available data that is always assigned to the right business process without the need for manual action. But the connected manufacturers also benefit from the newly created transparency, can make their internal processes more efficient and avoid manual communication via email or chat. It is no longer necessary to exchange documents by email, as the business processes are available in the portal. Another advantage is traceability. All process steps are documented in the portal and can be viewed at any time. This makes it easier to control and manage supplier relationships. Overall, the supplier portal enables significantly more efficient and closer collaboration with suppliers, which ultimately leads to actual control of complex supply chains, greater customer satisfaction and competitiveness.


Mit der vollständigen Integration der Qualitätssicherungs- und Qualitätsmanagementlösung QS1 in APplus profitiert Leicher Engineering von einer erheblichen Optimierung der Prozessabläufe. Die Automatisierung der CAD-Stempelung inkl. der Prüfplanerstellung und anderer Qualitätssicherungs-prozesse sowie die zentrale Abwicklung der Lieferantenkommunikation bieten Leicher Engineering eine signifikante Zeitersparnis und erhöhen gleichzeitig die Transparenz und Nachvollziehbarkeit der Abläufe. Die bisherige Nutzung von ExcelListen und verschiedenen Kommunikationskanälen gehört nun der Vergangenheit an!

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