TRACOE medical

Tracoe medical GmbH

Products: medical devices and aids for tracheostomy and laryngectomy
Industry: medical technology 

D-55268 Nieder-Olm

TRACOE medical GmbH, headquartered in Nieder-Olm (Rhineland-Palatinate), is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of medical devices and aids for patients with tracheotomy and laryngeal surgery.

TRACOE medical GmbH employs a total of around 250 people and exports its products to around 90 countries. The company currently holds 13 patents, with a further 12 pending. The company can look back on a 60-year history. During this time, highly qualified knowledge has been developed, which is reflected today in constant product innovations, the highest manufacturing quality, a wide range of products and sustainable customer support. High-end quality at all levels.

TRACOE has already been voted three times into the TOP 100 German SMEs and is now in its third generation of management. The managing directors are Stephan Köhler and Dr. Thomas Jurisch.


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